3 main elements to consider when designing a store fixture
The artistic of store fixture's design
The main purpose of display rack design is to better display products and brand images, so the artistry of display racks is still very important. Because, if a store has artistic display racks, consumers will be more inclined to believe that there will be "beautiful" products in it? Using the structure of the display fixtures itself and the surrounding environment to create artistry can better convey the meaning that the seller wants to express to consumers.
The Visual of store fixture's design
The display rack is not an independent object of display and sales. The products need to be integrated into the market and play an indispensable role in the store. Because the display layout of commodities not only reflects a kind of static information in the store, but also converts it into visual dynamic information to a large extent, which affects consumers' consumption behavior. For example, the design of the glasses display racks should be integrated with the glasses products, so that the sales atmosphere of the products can be revealed between the display stand and the product. So a display stand with visual effects is just like a static salesman.
The overall coordination of store fixture's design
When design the display fixture, The harmony of the components is also important. Shelf itself, the shape, size, and how to arrange the position of each part must be considered in the design process of the display stand. According to the final required by customers, sound, light, and electrical functions can be added to the basic design, or a certain functional attribute of the product can be amplified to win the attention of consumers with strong sensory stimulation.